We work with our clients as closely as possible to ensure training and behavioural outcomes hit the mark, every time. Approximately 75% of our clients are returning clients, meaning, that we have cumulative learning about our clients’ business, their marketplaces, their challenges and people so we can truly make sessions relevant.
It is not uncommon on completion of a training program for a delegate to ask “So, how long have you worked here?”. We take this as a compliment and acknowledgment of our upfront investment. We also see this as confirmation of creating relevant, bespoke sessions.
To find out more about our approach when developing a program, click on each phase below:

"The approach is facilitation rather than classroom teaching."
Our training room approach is underpinned by current theories on adult learning, These theories assume that the adult learner brings life-experience into the training and learns best through experiences.
We create relevant practical role-plays and exercises which test out concepts and techniques and ask the participants to share their own experiences.
The Open Space assumes that all delegates bring a level of understanding to each idea. We look to build on that knowledge with the range of tools we have gathered from experience training all across the globe.
Everything that happens in the room or on Zoom should be directly transferable back to the business and should help them towards their work goals.
What our clients say about The Open Space experience
What our clients say about The Open Space experience